Home / Testimoni / Ns. Bambang Irawan, S.Kep: Alumni Akper (perawat di Greenwich Hospital, Sydney Australia)

Ns. Bambang Irawan, S.Kep: Alumni Akper (perawat di Greenwich Hospital, Sydney Australia)

bambang alumni akperWhat I most like about Bina Insan college is the close student-teacher and student – student relationships. Teachers are ready to put all their effort into supporting students academically and helping them to achieve their goals. I feel Bina insan college education is one of the sophisticated nursing academic and teachers in Jakarta. The devoted teachers and director of nursing at Bina insan College taught me the importance of hard work, team work, dedication and perseverance not only for the studying and learning process, but also for life after studied. It was through them I realized I could achieve whatever goal I set my mind to, thus motivating me to continued my study Bachelor of Nursing and seek nursing career in different setting health care industries such as Hospital, Nursing home, hostel for aged care people and also mental health unit department in Indonesia and overseas.

I love and proud to be “NURSE” .Nurses one of the demand career in the world and the world just like in your hand.”

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